The results of the TS EAMCET-2023 exam were released by Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy on Thursday. 80% of candidates who took the engineering stream exam passed, while 86% of candidates who took the agriculture and pharma stream exam passed. Students from Andhra Pradesh dominated the agriculture and medical stream, with B Satya Raja Jaswanth getting first place and Saphal Lakshmi Pasupuleti from Telangana getting third place. In the engineering stream, S Anirudh from Vishakhapatnam got first place, and eight out of the top 10 candidates are from Andhra Pradesh. Girls outperformed boys in both streams.
A total of 1,95,275 students appeared for the engineering test and 80.33% of them passed. Out of 1,06,514 candidates who took the agriculture and medical stream exam, 86.31% passed. The Higher Education Council will soon release the rank cards of TS EAMCET along with the results. Candidates can download the rank cards by using their application number, date of birth and captcha code on the official website of TS EAMCET on