Hyderabad City Police Commissionerate celebrated the decennial of Telangana State Formation Day in a grand manner on Sunday. At the event, Joint CP (Admin) Parimala Hana Nutan unfurled the national flag and encouraged the police department staff to carry out their duties diligently and with discipline. Various officials and staff members were present at the celebration.
In Cyberabad Police Commissionerate, Commissioner Avinash Mohanty hoisted the tricolour and extended his greetings for Telangana State Formation Day. He stressed the importance of police officers performing their duties with dedication to provide exemplary services to the public. Avinash urged all personnel in the department to contribute wholeheartedly to laying a strong foundation for the future of the State. Several officials and personnel participated in the event.
Rachakonda Police Commissioner Tarun Joshi unveiled the flag at the commissionerate in Neredmet. He highlighted that the State was formed in accordance with the struggles and aspirations of the people of Telangana. He mentioned new initiatives undertaken in the police department for maintaining law and order, resulting in a reduced crime rate. Tarun Joshi also praised the efforts of the police during recent elections, where peace was maintained. Various officials and officers were present at this celebration.