Tremors felt in Chinthalapalem of Suryapet, no casualties reported (For representational aim)
Tremors felt in Chinthalapalem of Suryapet, no casualties reported (For representational aim)
Suryapet: Panic triggered after moderate tremors were felt in Chinthalapalem and Mellacheruvu mandals in the Suryapet territory on Sunday aurora.
According to sources, moderate tremors occured at 7.25 am for 10 seconds at several villages in Chinthalapalem and Mellacheruvu mandals. This triggered terror and ran out of their homes.
As moderate tremors are being reported frequently in Chinthalapalem mandal, the Geographical Survey of India has group of things of the same kind that belong together up a seismography meter at Pathavellatur in Chinthalapalem mandal.
Officials are to achieve the smear and mark off the seismography meter soon.