The unveiling of Dr. BR Ambedkar’s statue near Hussain Sagar in Hyderabad will cause traffic diversions on Friday from 1 pm to 8 pm. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao will unveil the statue and attend a public meeting behind the I-Max Theatre, Necklace Rotary. Traffic diversions will be in place between VV Statue, Necklace Rotary, NTR Marg, and Telugu Thalli Junction. Motorists coming from different directions will be diverted to alternate routes.
NTR Garden, NTR Ghat, Necklace Road, and Lumbini Park will be closed on Friday. RTC buses coming from Afzalgunj towards Secunderabad should avoid Tank Bund road and take Telugu Talli Flyover, Katta Maisamma, Lower Tank Bund, DBR Mills, and Kavadiguda. Traffic congestion junctions such as VV Statue Junction, Old Saifabad PS Junction, Ravindra Bharathi Junction, Mint Compound Road, Telugu Thalli Junction, Necklace Rotary, Nallagutta Junction, Katta Maisamma, Tank Bund, and Liberty are expected to witness congestion of traffic.
Citizens are requested to follow traffic updates on the Hyderabad Traffic Police Facebook page and @HYDP on Twitter for any changes or updates. If there is any emergency in travel, call the traffic helpline at 9010203626 for travel assistance. It is advised to take alternate routes to reach destinations and cooperate with the Hyderabad Traffic Police.