Hyderabad traffic police have announced traffic restrictions on June 12 for the Telangana Run event. The restrictions will be in place from 4 am until the end of the event. Traffic will not be allowed between VV Statue – Necklace Rotary – NTR Marg and Telugu Thalli Junction and vice versa. Vehicles coming from certain areas and intending to go to Necklace Rotary will be diverted. Traffic from Nirankari/Chintalbasthi towards Necklace Rotary will not be allowed to use Khairatabad flyover. Vehicles coming from Iqbal Minar Junction and intending to go towards Tank Bund – Ranigunj and Liberty will not be allowed towards Telugu Thalli junction/Ambedkar Statue/Tank Bund and directed to embark Telugu Thalli flyover towards Katta Maisamma Junction – Lower Tank Bund.
Traffic coming from Bada Ganesh lane towards Imax/Necklace Rotary will be diverted at Bada Ganesh towards Rajdoot lane. Similarly, traffic coming from Buddha Bhavan and Nallagutta Junction towards Necklace Rotary will not be allotted and diverted at Nallagutta towards Buddha Bhavan and Ranigunj. RTC Buses coming from Afzalgunj towards Secunderabad should avoid the Tank Bund Road and take Telugu Talli Flyover, Katta Maisamma, Lower Tank Bund, DBR Mills and Kavadiguda.