The Hyderabad city police have issued a traffic advisory for the Sri Hanuman Jayanti Vijaya Yatra on Tuesday. The procession covers 12 km and ends at Hanuman Mandir, Tadbund.
The main procession will start at 11:30 am on April 23 from Gowliguda Ram Mandir and passes through various roads before ending at Sree Hanuman Temple around 8 pm.
Another procession starting from Karmanghat Hanuman temple will enter city limits and join the main procession at DM&HS Junction. This tributary procession covers 10.8 km before joining the main procession.
During the procession, traffic will be either stopped or diverted at various locations. Different travel routes are suggested for commuters between 9 am and 2 pm, and between 2 pm and 7 pm.
The police have advised citizens to avoid the procession routes during the mentioned timings and plan commuting using the suggested routes. The Hyderabad Traffic Control Room and Traffic Help Line will be available for any travel information.