The Hyderabad city police issued a traffic advisory for a meeting at LB Stadium on Monday from 2 pm to 8 pm. Traffic will be stopped or diverted as needed. Motorists should avoid certain junctions during this time. RTC buses should take alternative routes.
Traffic coming from AR Petrol Pump Jn towards BJR Statue will be diverted. Traffic from Basheerbagh towards AR Petrol Pump will also be diverted. Motorists coming from Sujatha School lane towards Khan Lateef Khan building will be redirected.
Junctions to avoid between 2 pm and 8 pm include Punjagutta, VV Statue, Khairtabad flyover, and more. RTC buses should avoid LB Stadium main gate and take a diversion at AR Petrol bunk towards Nampally.
Citizens are requested to cooperate with traffic police, take alternative routes, and avoid specified areas during the meeting. In case of any inconvenience, contact Hyderabad traffic police helpline at 9010203626.