The Cyberabad police have issued a traffic advisory for the Indian National Congress’ meetings and road shows at Chittaramma temple near GHMC office in Moosapet and Tuljabhavani temple in Tara Nagar, Chanda Nagar. The events are scheduled from 3 pm to 10 pm on Wednesday.
In Kukatpally, traffic will be diverted from Bharat Nagar Bridge to Kaithalapur and Hitech City via Moosapet X-road, Kukatpally Y Junction, Kukatpally Bus Stop, and JNTU Junction. Commuters from Hitech City, Hafeezpet, and Kaithlapur heading towards Kukatpally and Moosapet roads will be redirected through KPHB-IV phase, Lodha Apartments-KPHB Road.
Motorists traveling from Balanagar and Moosapet to Hitech City will be diverted to Kukatpally Y Jn-Kukatpally Bus Stop, KPHB Bus Stop-JNTU Junction (IDL Lake Road will be closed). Traffic from Kaithalapur and Hitech City to Moosapet will be diverted to IDL Lake Road.
From 6 pm to 11 pm, traffic diversion in the RC Puram area will reroute vehicles from HCU to BHEL and from BHEL to Gachibowli via the Nallagandla flyover. Lingampally RUB road will be closed on Wednesday. Traffic from RC Puram and Patancheruvu to Gachibowli will be diverted to BHEL Township-MIG-Nallagandla, Nallagandla-Gopanpally-Gowlidoddi-Wipro Jn.
The police are urging commuters to follow the advisory and cooperate with traffic authorities for smooth traffic flow.