The police in Hyderabad have issued a traffic advisory for the Bibi-Ka-Alam procession happening on Wednesday from 12 noon to 10 pm. Vehicular traffic will be restricted in certain areas during this time.
According to the police, traffic will not be allowed towards BiBi-ka-Alawa at Sunargalli ‘T’ Junction. It will be diverted towards Dabeerpura Darwaza and Ganga Nagar Nala, Yakutpura side. Motorists coming from Etebar Chowk will also face diversions, with traffic being redirected towards Kotla Alija or Purana Haveli.
When the main procession reaches Ganga Nagar Nala, Yakutpura, traffic coming from Purani Haveli will not be allowed towards Etebar Chowk. Instead, it will be diverted towards either Chatta bazar, Dabeerpura or SJ Rotary. Similar diversions will be in place for traffic from other areas as well.
In Secunderabad, traffic curbs will be in place from 4 to 8:30 pm. Traffic proceeding from Tankbund towards Karbala Maidan will be diverted at Children’s Park towards Kavadiguda, Bible House and R P Road. Mahatma Gandhi Road between the Central Telegraph Island and Ranigunj will also be ‘One Way’ towards Ranigunj side, with diversions in place.
The APSRTC/TGSRTC district buses will be diverted towards Rang Mahal and Afzalgunj sides for entry and exit during the procession. They will be allowed on certain roads till the procession reaches its destination.