Hyderabad police have issued a traffic advisory for the Sadar Utsav Mela at YMCA in Narayanguda. The advisory states that vehicular traffic will be diverted from 7 pm to 3 am. The traffic will not be allowed from Kachiguda X Roads towards YMCA, Narayanaguda and will be diverted towards the Tourist Hotel. Similarly, traffic from Vithalwadi X Roads will be diverted towards Ramkoti X Roads at Bhavans’s New Science College. Street No 08 traffic will be diverted towards Barkatpura at Reddy College. Old Barkatpura Post Office traffic will be diverted towards Crown Café or Baghlingampally. Traffic from the Old Excise Office lane will be diverted towards Vittalwadi. Barkatpura Chaman traffic will be diverted towards Barkatpura X Roads or the Tourist Hotel. Traffic from Brilliant Grammar School will be diverted towards Narayanaguda X Roads. RTC buses coming from Secunderabad to Koti are advised to avoid YMCA Circle and Narayanaguda X Roads and take alternate routes via Barkatpura, Bagh Lingampally, VST, and RTC X Roads. Visitors to Sadar Mela are requested to park their vehicles at designated parking areas. Motorists are urged to avoid certain roads and cooperate with Hyderabad traffic police.
Traffic advisory issued for Sadar festival in Hyderabad today
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