The Kaleshwaram project is estimated to cost Rs 2.5 lakh crore in total, with an annual maintenance cost of Rs 25,000 crore. Officials from the irrigation department revealed that the project was not constructed up to standards. Engineer-in-Chief Sudhakar Reddy and Vigilance DG Rajiv Ratan provided a presentation on the project, explaining that it aimed to divert 160 tmcft from Pranahita to Sripada Yellampally. The project has incurred a total expenditure of Rs 94,000 crore so far and has irrigated an area of 98,570 acres.
Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy expressed his concerns about the confusing statements made by the BRS chief regarding the irrigation of one crore acres. He also mentioned that the annual power bills for the project would amount to around Rs 10,500 crore. Sudhakar Reddy highlighted that a pillar sank in the eighth block of the Medigadda project on October 21, 2023. The Dam Safety Authority attributed the sinking to various factors such as planning, design, quality control, maintenance, and construction deficiencies.
The official further disclosed that defects in the construction were identified on February 29, 2020, but the completion certificate was issued on March 15, 2021. Premature inauguration of the project took place. Despite the project’s initial plan to lift 180 tmcft of water annually, only 160 tmcft was lifted during the last five years. The highest water lifted in a year was 61 tmcft during the initial years.
The official emphasized the need to examine the project’s design, drawings, geotechnical and geological investigations, as well as surveying all piers and rafts.