Hyderabad: Both Telugu States are getting ready for upcoming elections, with the Lok Sabha polls just around the corner and Assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh. To increase cooperation, officials from both states met to discuss border checkpoints.
At a meeting at the Secretariat to review election preparedness, the Chief Secretary of Telangana, Santhi Kumar, and his counterpart from AP, K S Jawahar Reddy, along with officials from various departments, talked about working together for the upcoming polls. They reminded officials to be vigilant and prevent alcohol, drugs, and other illegal items from crossing borders.
Jawahar Reddy from AP asked for full cooperation from Telangana’s officials. He talked about the importance of controlling border checkposts and how AP is working hard to prevent smuggling at the borders. He praised the joint efforts of enforcement agencies from both states.
In Telangana, there are 36 inter-State border checkpoints, with some managed by different departments like the Forest Department, Excise Department, and Commercial Tax Department. There are also 224 enforcement teams deployed. Santhi Kumar mentioned that while there are no Maoist activities in Telangana, there is still coordination with police from Chhattisgarh and Central forces to prevent any such activities.