In Karimnagar, a new Gram Panchayat building was inaugurated on Monday. It cost Rs 16 lakhs and was opened by Husnabad MLA Voditala Satish Kumar in Govardhanagiri village of Akkannapet mandal.
Warangal is known for its impressive structures and sculptures. A rare temple tank built in Kakatiya style was found in Pedda Kodepaka village under Sayampet mandal. Unfortunately, it has been neglected.
Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy, a BJP leader, criticized Tamil Nadu Minister Mano Thangaraj’s negative comments about Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The BJP co-incharge of Tamil Nadu demanded that the State Chief Minister Stalin remove Minister Mano Thangaraj from the cabinet immediately.
Congress leader Bhatti Vikramarka in Mahbubnagar criticized Chief Minister K Chandhrashekar Rao for failing to procure paddy from poor farmers. Farmers are sleeping on the roads with heaps of paddy around them.
Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar visited the Pinapaka constituency in Kothagudem and asked the public to support the BRS government’s development works. He laid the foundation stone for works worth Rs 22.77 crore, including high level bridges, BT roads, and a new RTO office building in different villages in the constituency.