Sachin Tendulkar, the cricket superstar, has been hospitalized as a precautionary measure based on medical advice. This news comes ahead of the Ageas Federal Life Insurance Hyderabad Half Marathon 2023, which Tendulkar will be flagging off on November 5. The marathon is expected to see around 8,000 runners gather at Gachibowli Stadium in Hyderabad.
The event, organized by NEB Sports, includes three categories: the Half Marathon (21.1k), the Timed 10K, and the 5K Fun Run. The Half Marathon will start at 5:15 am, followed by the Timed 10K at 6:30 am, and finally, the 5K Fun Run at 7:45 am.
Tendulkar, who is also the Brand Ambassador of Ageas Federal Life Insurance, expressed his confidence in this year’s race theme of “Run Ageless, Run Fearless” and believes it will inspire runners to give their best efforts. Vighnesh Shahane, the MD and CEO of Ageas Federal Life Insurance, expressed pride in being the title sponsor for the marathon and their commitment to promoting fitness among people of all ages.
Among the participants in the half marathon, Anil Gupta, aged 69, will be the oldest male runner, while Aparna Deepak, aged 54, will be the oldest female runner. On the other hand, Syed Almir and Akshaya Uppalapati, both 14 years old, will be the youngest participants. The event will also see participation from corporate teams, as well as members of the police and armed forces.
Overall, the Hyderabad Half Marathon 2023 promises to be an exciting event that showcases the growing running culture in India.
Tomorrow, Sachin Tendulkar to kickstart Hyd Half Marathon
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