A lot of development programs worth around Rs 181 crore will be launched by K T Rama Rao in Warangal West Assembly Constituency on May 5. This was announced by Chief Whip D Vinay Bhaskar on Wednesday in Hanumakonda. The Science Park, model Vaikuntadhamam, BRS Party Office will be inaugurated by KTR, and the foundation stone for Phule Bhavan, Karmika Bhavan, and other developmental works will be laid by him. KTR will also address 50,000 party workers at the St Gabriel’s School Grounds and give them an advisory for the next six months.
Vinay has organised several programs for the welfare of the working class during the month-long Karmika Masotsavam. The government is providing facilities to improve the position of children from the working class. Farmers who lost their crops due to recent rains and hailstorms will receive compensation from Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. Vinay criticized the opposition for creating chaos among the farmers to gain political mileage.
Wardhannapet MLA Aroori Ramesh assures farmers that the government is ready to bail out the rain-affected farmers and urges them not to believe in the opposition parties. KTR will launch developmental works worth Rs 6 crore in Wardhannapet Constituency.
Present at the announcement were Greater Warangal Mayor Gundu Sudharani, Kakatiya Urban Development Authority (KUDA) chairman S Sunder Raj Yadav, Telangana Vikalangula Co-operative Corporation Chairman K Vasudeva Reddy, District Libraries Chairman Azeez Khan, and former KUDA chairman Marri Yadava Reddy.