President Droupadi Murmu will be visiting Bhudan Pochampally, the birthplace of the Bhoodan Movement and a famous city for handlooms, this Wednesday. She will arrive in Pochampally at 10:30 am, accompanied by three army helicopters. During her visit, she will observe the process of making tie and dye Ikkat silk sarees. After that, she will go to the Tourism Centre from the helipad in specially arranged cars and pay tribute to land reformers Acharya Vinobhabave and Vedire Ramchandra Reddy by garlanding their statues.
The President will also interact with local handloom workers during her visit. She has a special meeting scheduled with handloom master weaver Shivakumar. The inspection of looms will take place at Balaji Function Hall, where the President will meet 350 specially invited guests.
A separate stage will be set up for the President and five other individuals, including Governor Tamilisai Sounderarajan, State Ministers Seethakka, Tummala Nageswara Rao, Government Whip Birla Ailaiah, and representatives from both the central and state governments. The President is expected to spend about forty minutes in Bhudan Pochampally.