The Telangana State Assembly sessions will start again on Thursday. The first session began on December 9 with the swearing-in ceremony of the newly-elected MLAs. On Thursday, they will elect a new Speaker. The only person who filed nominations for the post of Speaker is Gaddam Prasad Kumar, a senior Congress MLA. It is likely that Kumar will be elected as Speaker because no candidate from the Opposition parties has filed nominations. Akbaruddin Owaisi, an AIMIM MLA, will handle the House until the new Speaker is announced. The number of days for the Assembly sessions will be decided in a meeting. Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundarajan will address both Houses on December 15, and on December 16, there will be a discussion about a motion of thanks for the Governor’s speech in the Legislative Assembly and Council. There may also be Assembly sessions on December 17.
Today marks the resumption of assembly sessions.
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