Telangana Chief Minister and BRS President K Chandrasekhar Rao will be speaking at three meetings today as part of the Praja Ashirwad Sabha. The first meeting will take place at 1:00 PM in Halia, Nalgonda district, where CM KCR will deliver a speech on behalf of BRS candidate Nomula Bhagat for the Nagarjuna Sagar constituency. At 2:00 PM, he will participate in a meeting in Thorrur, Palakurti constituency of Janagaon district. Lastly, at 3:00 PM, CM KCR will attend public blessing meetings in Ibrahimpatnam constituency of Rangareddy district.
During these campaign meetings, CM KCR will address the voters and ask for their support for the BRS party, which is dedicated to public welfare. He has already spoken at many public meetings in different districts and has criticized the Congress and BJP parties for their false promises. He urges voters not to be deceived and vote for them.
CM KCR is scheduled to address a total of 54 public meetings by the 28th of this month. It is important to note that assembly elections are also taking place in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Mizoram alongside Telangana.