Eatala Rajender, former minister and Huzurabad BJP MLA, is expected to face questioning by the Kamalapur police in connection with the SSC Hindi question paper leak case on March 3. The police have served a notice under Section 160 of the CrPC to Rajender, requesting his appearance before the DCP at the Central Zone Office in the Police Comissionerate at 11 am on Monday.
It is worth noting that Rajender’s two personal assistants (PAs) have also been served notices by the Kamalapur police in the same case. Additionally, individuals who received images of the Hindi question paper over WhatsApp from some of the accused persons in the case have also been served notices.
The alleged question paper leak case has named state BJP chief and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar as the prime accused by Warangal Police. However, the Kamalapur police are also investigating Rajender’s involvement in the matter.
As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen what new information will emerge and how it will affect those involved in the case.