Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, also known as KCR, will kick off his election campaign in the Palamuru region by addressing a large public gathering in the Jadcherla constituency. During this event, he is expected to announce the election manifesto of his party, BRS. Local BRS leaders, led by Jadcherla MLA Dr. Cherlakola Laxma Reddy, have been working hard to ensure the success of this campaign meeting. Security arrangements have been made by the police, and BRS members are making sure that all necessary arrangements are in place for the public and the visiting leaders. Dr. Laxma Reddy mentioned that KCR will ask for the public’s support for the third time, highlighting the achievements and progress of the BRS party since the formation of Telangana in 2014. They are requesting the public to give them another chance based on their track record of performance.
Today is the day for KCR’s ‘Praja Ashirwada Sabha’
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