Tamil Nadu BJP chief A Annamalai stated that his ‘En Mann En Makkal’ (My Land, My People) Pada Yatra was inspired by former Telangana BJP chief and Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar’s Praja Sangrama Yatra (Walk for struggles of people). Annamalai shared this during the Yuva Sammelanam in Karimnagar, mentioning that he had attended Bandi Sanjay Kumar’s Praja Sangrama Yatra twice. He admired the way Bandi Sanjay Kumar walked in the scorching sun and interacted with the people.
Annamalai’s team studied the model of the Praja Sangrama Yatra and covered 234 Assembly segments in Tamil Nadu over eight months. He emphasized that walking for the people is not an easy task and commended Bandi Sanjay Kumar’s dedication and hard work during his yatra. Annamalai mentioned that Bandi Sanjay Kumar put his body into the yatra because he wanted Telangana to prosper.
Additionally, a video related to the event can be viewed using the following link: [Video Link]