Three workers in Pedda Kondamaari village, Andhra Pradesh died from lack of oxygen while cleaning an underground water tank on May 18. The workers were identified as Muni Raja, Ravi, and Venkata Ramana. Two workers tried to save their co-worker who was unconscious inside the tank but all three of them died.
The water tank had not been used for eight months, and it was contaminated with poison gases that were released during the cleaning process. The water level in the tank was just 3 and a half feet deep, so there was no possibility of drowning. It is believed that the workers lost their lives due to inhalation of the toxic fumes.
Upon witnessing their colleague’s unconscious state, two additional workers bravely entered the tank to rescue him but they also fell unconscious. The police were alerted and successfully pulled out the workers from the tank. Unfortunately, they were declared deceased upon arrival at the government hospital in Punganur.
Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy, a Minister, expressed his condolences and announced an ex-gratia amount of Rs 5 lakh to be provided to each of the victims’ families, along with an additional Rs 5 lakh under the YSR Bima scheme.