The Commissioner of Police in Warangal, A V Ranganath, has suspended a constable and two home guards for extorting money from peddlers and neglecting their duties. The incident occurred when constable K Vasu and home guards B Anil and G Anil discovered peddlers carrying four kilograms of ganja during a routine vehicle check in the KUC Police Station area a few days ago. Instead of taking appropriate action, the trio accepted a bribe and let the peddlers go free.
Interestingly, the same peddlers were later caught by the Narsampet police during another vehicle check. During the interrogation, the peddlers revealed the bribe they had given to the police in Hanumakonda. After conducting an investigation, Commissioner Ranganath decided to suspend the constable and two home guards involved in the bribery incident. It has been discovered that the peddlers had purchased the ganja in Andhra Pradesh.