The Rajendranagar Zone SOT Police in Rangareddy have stopped a major attempt to smuggle 120 kgs of ganja from Odisha’s Malkangiri to Karnataka’s Bangalore. They discovered that the Hyderabad suburbs in Mokila zone were being used as a transit point for this illegal activity. The police received reliable information about the operation and the Rajendranagar Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Jagadishwar Reddy, shared the details of the case with the media at the Rajendranagar DCP office.
The police report states that three individuals, Cherukupalli Srikanth from Medchal, Srinivas Prem Kumar, and John Judson from Tamil Nadu, were arrested for their involvement in this smuggling attempt. Their motive was to earn quick money by transporting ganja purchased from a person named Venky in Malkangiri, Odisha, for Rs 500 per kg.
Unfortunately, Venky, the initial source of the ganja, managed to escape and is currently on the run. The authorities seized a total of 120 kg of ganja, which is estimated to be worth Rs 24 lakh on the street market. During the investigation, it was discovered that Cherukupalli Srikanth, the main accused, has a previous criminal record and has been accused in theft cases in various police stations, including Hayat Nagar, Ghatkesar, Medipalli, Balanagar, Keesara, and Patan Cheruvu.
It was also found that Srikanth came into contact with Srinivas Prem Kumar and John Judson from Tamil Nadu during his previous incarceration.