Hyderabad: This year, the giant idol of Lord Ganesh at Khairatabad will be 70 feet tall, seven feet taller than on the previous occasion. The traditional Karra Pooja was performed on the occasion of Nirjala Ekadashi on Monday. Last year, the idol was 63 feet tall.
Khairatabad Ganesh Utsav Samiti president Danam Nagender and others participated in the pooja, which marked the beginning of the preparation for the installation of the biggest idol in the city. The atmosphere was echoed with slogans of ‘Bolo Ganesh Maharajki Jai’ by the large number of devotees. The organisers said the samithi members have decided to have a 70-foot-tall idol, marking the completion of 70 years of the samithi. The idol will be made with clay. The giant idol is the centre of attraction during the Ganesh festival, not only for people from Hyderabad but also for those from the two Telugu States.
Nagender told reporters that the samiti would organise Ganesh Utsav in a grand manner. The devotees visiting to have darshan of Maha Ganapati would be provided prasadam.
“We have been celebrating the festival for the last 70 years. The Khairatabad Ganesh is famous not only in the country, but also worldwide. Lakhs of devotees visit the pandal every year; the entire locality plays a key role in making the 11-day festival a grand success,” he said.