Telangana is building the world’s first 3D printed Hindu temple in Siddipet. The 3D printed temple is situated at Charvitha Meadows, which is a gated villa community at Burugupally and covers an area of 3,800 square feet. Apsuja Infratech, a city-based company, is building the three-part structure in partnership with Simpliforge Creations, a 3D-printed construction company. The sanctums within the structure represent a ‘modak’, dedicated to Lord Ganesha; a Shivalay, a square abode devoted to Lord Shankara; and a Lotus shaped home for Goddess Parvati.
Simpliforge Creations, together with the Indian Institute of Technology in Hyderabad, built India’s first prototype bridge in March. This was also assembled on site at Charvitha Meadows. The team is now working on the lotus shaped temple dedicated to Goddess Parvati. The dome-shaped modak took the team only about six hours to print it over a span of 10 days. Despite being a challenge, the team hopes to finish the ‘lotus’ earlier than that. Gandhi believes that 3D technology can create shapes that are almost impossible to attain with conventional techniques and will offer an edge to the construction industry when it comes to free-form structures.