Danam Nagender, the Congress candidate from Secunderabad, and his wife own assets worth about Rs 58 crore but do not have any vehicles or property in their name. The total value of their movable assets is Rs 25.91 crore and Rs 4.93 crore, respectively, including diamonds worth Rs 2.99 crore and Rs 3.39 crore. Their immovable assets are valued at Rs 28 crore, while their liabilities amount to Rs 64.59 crore.
Danam, who completed his Masters in Arts from Madurai Kamaraj University in 2001, has seven pending criminal cases. He was convicted in a case of voluntarily causing hurt and criminal intimidation in 2021, which was registered in 2013 when he was a Minister. He and his driver were sentenced to six months of imprisonment for assaulting a person inside the Banjara Hills police station. They were later granted bail.
Among the seven criminal cases against Danam, five were registered in 2023 – three under Khairatabad police station and two under Narayanaguda police station. His declaration also revealed that the funds under different bank accounts, including those of his dependents, amount to around Rs 1.15 crore.