Paladugu Nagarjuna, a member of CPM District Secretary, is worried about the lack of transportation for farmers to get their grains from the IKP centers. He believes it is causing a major problem and wants the District Collector to make sure there are enough trucks available. Paladugu went with party leaders to Kanchanapalli village in Nalgonda mandal to see the situation firsthand. While there, they talked to farmers who explained the shortage of trucks makes it difficult to move the grains from the market yard.
One farmer, Jayalakshmi, said her harvest has been sitting at the IKP for over a month now. She worries about the damage the heavy rains are causing to the grains and that they may start to sprout. If this happens, she will not be able to sell them at a good price and could lose half of her harvest.
Overall, it is important to address the lack of transportation for farmers at the IKP centers. The District Collector needs to take action to ensure there are enough trucks available to move the grains and prevent further loss for farmers like Jayalakshmi.