A new Telugu association called MATA was launched in the USA on Friday. The launch event was attended by around 2,500 Telugus. MATA’s motto is service, culture, and equality of fellow Telugu people, and they are prioritizing women’s empowerment, encouraging youth, and giving the best care for senior citizens.
The launch event was held at Royal Albert Palace in New Jersey and was organized in a mini-convention style with perfect execution, delicious food, and vendor stalls. Nearly 150 local school youth performed various dance forms, and MATA’s core team comprising Srinivas Ganagoni, Pradeep Samala, Atluri, Sridhar Chillara, Damu Gedala, and Swathi Atluri organized the event.
MATA founders Srinivas Ganagoni and Pradeep Samala explained the organization’s mission and vision to the audience. The organization will be built based on three core principles of ‘seva, samskrithi and samanathvam.’ The youth team is managed by Lakshmi Moparti, who showcased the mission and vision of the organization.
MATA has launched its chapters in nearly 20 cities with more than 2,000 life members on day one. Representatives from other Telugu organizations and local associations attended the event and welcomed the brand new organization. Popular playback singers Sunitha and Anirudh with MLiveBand made the evening most memorable and entertaining.
The MATA teams said they will be posting all future programs and other details on their website www.mata-us.org.