To celebrate Ugadi on April 9 and Ramzan on April 11, Tuesday and Thursday will be holidays for the tenth class evaluation center in the district. DEO Govindarajulu announced that teachers will have to work as usual on other days, with a total of 23,161 answer sheets evaluated by 609 teachers at Little Flower High School in Nagar Kurnool.
During the ongoing evaluation of class 10 answer sheets, 65% of the process has been completed. The teachers have been working diligently, evaluating a total of 99,019 answer sheets on Monday. The DEO expressed satisfaction with the progress made so far.
For the upcoming festivals, teachers will have a break to celebrate with their families. The evaluation center will resume its activities after the holidays, ensuring timely completion of the evaluation process. Everyone involved is working hard to ensure a smooth and efficient evaluation of the answer sheets.