BRS Chief K Chandrashekar Rao has issued a stern warning to party leaders who have engaged in indiscipline in several constituencies by suspending senior leaders like former Minister Jupally Krishna Rao and former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy. The Chief Minister has emphasized that all leaders, regardless of their status, must abide by the party’s decisions or face repercussions. Jupally Krishna Rao and Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy have been organizing meetings that go against the party’s stance, including the recent AtmeeyaSammelan in Khammam where they made allegations of corruption against the chief minister.
Party leaders believe that the suspension of these two leaders was inevitable given their past actions. Jupally has been involved in a power struggle with his rival in Kollapur Assembly constituency, while Srinivas Reddy was unhappy about not being given any prominence in the party. Both leaders had also contacted national parties, including the BJP and Congress, which contributed to their suspension.
The party is facing similar confrontations in other constituencies, including Rangareddy district, Tandur, Nalgonda district, Nagarjunsagar, Mahabubnagar district, and Warangal. However, the suspension of Jupally and Srinivas Reddy is expected to send a message to other dissidents within the party.
Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy defended the party’s decision, stating that indiscipline will not be tolerated, and those who cross the line will face strict consequences. The party will not succumb to blackmailing tactics, he added.