A couple in Chandrupatla village, Khammam district, passed away on the same day. Rayala Yohanu, aged 112, and his wife Rayala Marthamma, aged 96, had been together for over seventy years. Marthamma was ill and hospitalized, and she passed away from a heart attack. Yohanu died when he saw Marthamma’s body at home. The villagers were touched by their unbreakable bond, even in death.
Yohanu and Marthamma had a love marriage and were from Chandrupatla village in Kallur mandal, Khammam district. They have a large family with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, totaling around 50 people. Yohanu had been bedridden for some time due to his age, while Marthamma had been dealing with various health problems. She was admitted to the hospital recently, where she passed away during treatment. Unable to bear the loss of his wife, Yohanu also passed away. The entire village came together to mourn the couple’s deaths.