The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is questioning two accused, Praveen Kumar and Rajasekhar Reddy, in the Telangana State Public Service (TSPSC) exam paper leak case. Both were suspended employees of TSPSC, and the central agency is investigating money laundering charges in the case. The ED officials are expected to question them about influential people’s alleged involvement in the case. The agency took up the investigation based on an FIR issued by the Hyderabad police. The ED is believed to be questioning the two accused based on information obtained from Shankara Lakshmi, in charge of the confidential section room at TSPSC.
It was from the computer in the confidential section that Praveen and Rajasekhar had stolen question papers of various exams conducted by the TSPSC for recruitment in government departments. After the question paper leak came to light more than a month ago, the TSPSC cancelled at least four examinations, including the Group-1 Preliminary exam. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Hyderabad police has arrested 17 accused in the case since March 13.
On March 31, the ED registered an Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR) in connection with the question paper leak case. The agency began investigating money laundering charges after allegations that those who leaked the question papers received money from abroad through hawala channels. They allegedly collected Rs 40 lakh. Last week, the SIT told the Telangana High Court that it was making efforts to arrest another accused from New Zealand.
The exam paper leak case created a sensation in Telangana as opposition parties Congress and BJP blamed the BRS government for the leak that affected lakhs of unemployed people in the state. State Congress president A. Revanth Reddy had also lodged a complaint with the ED, seeking an investigation into money laundering allegations in the case. Earlier, in response to the SIT notice, the Congress leader had appeared before the officials and shared information regarding certain allegations made by him. Though SIT had also summoned state BJP chief Bandi Sanjay to provide evidence in support of his allegations, he sent his legal representative.