Hyderabad: The Deputy Chief Minister and Energy Minister of Telangana, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, announced that the State government is planning to launch a new “Clean and Green Energy Policy” soon. This initiative aims to help Telangana achieve its green energy goals.
According to a statement made on Wednesday, the Minister said Telangana is working towards generating 20,000 megawatts of renewable energy by the year 2030. To support this ambitious target, the government is drafting a new policy focused on clean and sustainable energy.
To address the increasing demand for green energy and meet national energy targets, a meeting with key stakeholders will be held on January 3 in Hyderabad. The Minister mentioned that prominent industrialists, as well as representatives from various organizations within India and abroad, are expected to attend the event.
The Minister highlighted that due to the State’s ongoing development projects, Telangana’s peak power demand is projected to rise significantly. It is estimated to grow from 15,623 MW in 2023-24 to 20,968 MW by 2027-28, and further to 31,809 MW by 2034-35. Similarly, electricity consumption is expected to increase from 85,644 million units in 2023-24 to 1,15,347 million units in 2027-28, and 1,50,040 million units by 2034-35.
The new energy policy is expected to play a crucial role in meeting these growing demands while prioritizing sustainability and environmental responsibility.