In Nandi Vaddeman village of Bijinepalli Mandal, special Tila Abhisheka Pujas were performed to Sri Sarthasaptha Jeshtama Sameta Saneswara Swami on Saturday of Sri Krodi nama year Chaitramasam Panchami. The chief priest of the temple, Dr.Gavvamatham Viswanatha Sastri said that Lord Shaneswara Swamy is acting as minister among the new leaders in this year of Sri Krodhi nama, and all the people of Shaneswara’s constellations and all the stars must visit and worship Shaneswara Swamy in this year. Worshiping Lord Shaneswara and Lord Shiva is a special result.
On the day of Ashtami, Navami, Trayodashi and Chaturdashi Amavasya dates on Saturday, worshiping the Lord is particularly excellent, he said, adding that it is special among the guests.
He said that Lord Shaneswara was worshiped today with sesame oil, cumin seeds and jammi leaves for the sake of Shanigraha’s peace and to remove the evils of Shanigraha on the day of the birth of the devotees.
He further informed the devotees that Rudrabhisheka Pujas and Archanas were specially performed by the devotees today to Lord Shiva who is the Brahma Sutra.
Special pooja was done to Ganapati and Nandiswara Swamy. Devotees who came from different places offered Abhishekal, Ashtottara and Archanas to Lord Shiva from early morning. Temple Chairman Gopala Rao, village temple committee members Veerasekar, Prabhakara Chari, Pullaiah, temple priests Gavvamatham Shanti Kumar, Umamaheshwar, Jayant, villagers Revelli Srikanth Reddy, staff Gopal Reddy devotees and women participated in large numbers.