Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao hoisted the National Flag at the Golkonda Fort in Hyderabad to celebrate Independence Day. In his speech, the chief minister acknowledged that although there has been progress in the past 75 years, it has not met the expected targets. He blamed the leadership in undivided Andhra Pradesh for neglecting Telangana and causing discrimination.
The chief minister highlighted the development in the state over the past decade, which has surprised people across the country. He mentioned various initiatives in agriculture, welfare schemes, housing, pensions, and the merger of RTC employees into the government. He also promised to provide a good Pay Revision Commission (PRC) to state government employees, fulfilling a previous commitment made in the Assembly.
The chief minister discussed the proposed Metro project that will connect all parts of the city. He cited a report from NITI Ayog, stating that poverty in Telangana has decreased due to the state government’s policies of increasing wealth and distributing it to the people.
During the event, 1,200 artists showcased their talents with performances of various dance forms, including Kolatam, Oggu, Dappulu, Banjara, Koya, Punjabi, Kuchipudi, Sheri Band, Marfa, Dhimsa, and Gussadi. A parade was also held with three contingents and bands from different battalions participating.
Overall, the atmosphere at Golkonda Fort was filled with patriotic spirit as Chief Minister KCR honored Independence Day and highlighted the achievements of Telangana under his leadership.