Telangana is experiencing significant development since becoming a separate state, according to Chief Whip D Vinay Bhaskar. Speaking at a program in Hanumakonda, Bhaskar praised Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for overseeing the overall progress of the state. In the past, Bhaskar struggled to secure funds for his division’s development, but now each division in Warangal has been allocated Rs 50 crore. Bhaskar criticized opposition parties for spreading misinformation on social media and failing to assist people during the pandemic. He also thanked MA&UD Minister K T Ram Rao for allocating Rs 250 crore for repairing roads and drains damaged by heavy rains in Greater Warangal.
Telangana’s Growth on Fast Track, Affirms D Vinay Bhaskar in Warangal
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