Hyderabad has surpassed Bangalore in creating IT jobs, according to Minister KTR. He mentioned that Hyderabad has become a wonderful city during the BRS rule of nine and a half years. KTR criticized the Congress leaders for fighting for the chair without any contribution to Hyderabad’s progress. He also complained about the Central government’s failure to widen the cantonment roads despite their promises.
KTR emphasized that the state is developing without any assistance from the Centre. He warned that if Congress comes to power, dark days will return as they aim to abolish Dharani and bring back the Patwari system. He urged people to consider whose hands the state will be safe with when voting, as elections often revolve around caste and religion.
KTR accused the opposition of misleading the youth regarding government jobs. He stated that in nine and a half years, 2,32,308 government jobs were identified, out of which 2,02,735 were notified and 1,60,083 were filled. The recruitment process for the remaining jobs is still ongoing.