A BRS leader named G Srinivas Yadav has been arrested by the police in Hyderabad. He has been accused of using abusive language against the Vice Chancellor of Telangana Women’s University. The complaint was filed by Professor M. Vijjulatha, who is in charge of the university. Yadav had approached the Vice Chancellor claiming to be a social worker and asked for recognition for his work. When she suggested that he provide financial assistance for the university’s development, he became angry and used foul language against her. The Vice Chancellor filed a complaint with the police, who arrested Yadav and brought him before the court. The university, which was previously known as Osmania University College for Women, has recently been upgraded to Telangana Women’s University and Vijjulatha was appointed as its first Vice Chancellor.
Telangana Women’s University VC Reports BRS Leader for Inappropriate Conduct
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