The Telangana Prantha Upadhyaya Sangam has filed a petition asking the Election Commission, State Chief Electoral Officer, and Principal Secretary (GAD) to issue postal ballots to all employees and teachers who are on election duty. This is required by the Representation of People Act, 1951.
According to the petitioner, there are around 3.3 lakh employees on election duty, and about 1.6 lakh of them have requested postal ballots to be able to vote. However, most of them have not received their ballots yet, which means they are being denied their right to vote.
To apply for a postal ballot, an employee on election duty needs to fill out form 12 and provide a copy of their appointment letter as proof of their duty, as well as a photocopy of their EPIC.
Despite submitting an application to the concerned RO, teachers and employees on election duty have not received their postal ballots yet.
A representation was also sent to the CEO on November 27, but no action has been taken so far, leading to the filing of this petition.
The petition includes the Election Commission, State CEO, and Principal Secretary GAD as respondents. The case will be heard by a division bench led by Chief Justice Alok Aradhe on Wednesday.