Telangana had a 65.67% voter turnout in the recent elections, with Bhongir having the highest turnout at 76.78% and Hyderabad at 48.48%. The Chief Electoral Officer, Vikas Raj, said that out of 3.32 crore eligible voters, 2.2 crore participated in the voting, which was an increase from the 2019 turnout of 62.77%.
The Narsapur Assembly segment had the highest turnout at 84.25%, while the Malakpet Assembly segment had the lowest at 42.76%. The Medchal Assembly segment had the most votes at 3.85 lakh, while Bhadrachalam had the least at 1.05 lakh. Despite the hot weather and holidays, efforts by the election machinery led to higher voter participation.
All materials used during voting, including EVMs, have been sealed in strong rooms under CCTV surveillance and armed forces’ protection. The counting of votes will take place on June 4 at 34 locations in the state under CCTV monitoring.