Chief Minister Revanth Reddy thanked the people of Telangana for supporting Congress during their 100-day rule. He mentioned that Congress received more votes in the recent Parliament elections compared to the Assembly elections, showing strong public backing for their governance.
Revanth Reddy praised the activists who worked hard for Congress’ victory and criticized BRS leaders for supporting BJP instead of Congress. He pointed out that despite Harish Rao’s influence in Siddipet, BRS party lost votes in the constituency, causing Congress to lose in 8 seats.
The Chief Minister also criticized the NDA alliance, led by PM Modi, for their performance in the elections. He called for Modi’s resignation, claiming that people have rejected his leadership.
Revanth Reddy promised to continue working for the people of Telangana, regardless of election results. He emphasized his accountability for the state’s progress and urged PM Modi to resign if he values democracy.