Telangana is preparing for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, with all political parties getting ready. The Congress party, after their recent victory in the Assembly elections, hopes to do well in the Lok Sabha polls too. They believe that they won’t face any problems from other parties in Telangana, except for the CPI. The Congress party has even passed a resolution urging Sonia Gandhi to contest the elections from Telangana. They think it would be a good move since she is considered “Telangana Talli” (Mother of Telangana). The party also had a meeting to assign leaders for different Lok Sabha segments. Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy will be in charge of Chevella and Mahbubnagar, Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka will handle Hyderabad and Secunderabad, and other leaders have been assigned different areas as well. On the other hand, BJP leaders are silently assessing the situation and looking for potential winning candidates in various districts.
Telangana reenters election mode
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