The Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister of Telangana, KT Rama Rao, met with the Union Minister for Urban Development, Hardeep Singh Puri, in New Delhi. The meeting was held to ask for approval for pending projects in Telangana. KTR requested approval for the second phase expansion of the Hyderabad Metro Rail Project, which would stretch 26 km from Lakidikapool to BHEL and 5 km from Nagole to LB Nagar. He also asked for financial assistance. Additionally, KTR asked the government to approve an employment guarantee scheme for urban poor people.
KTR updated the Union Minister on the successful road linking programs in Hyderabad, with 22 roads already completed. He then requested Rs 800 crore for the construction of 104 additional corridors from the outer ring road to surrounding municipalities. This would cost about Rs 2400 crore. KTR also asked for Rs 400 crore under Swachh Bharat Mission or other Central Government programs for various programs like construction of transfer stations and procurement of vehicles needed to move garbage. The cleaning of already accumulated garbage in Hyderabad city was also discussed.
Lastly, KTR insisted that the Center provide 15% of the funds for the construction of the Airport Expressway undertaken by the State Government at a cost of Rs 3050 crore. To achieve this, a financial assistance of Rs 450 crore has been requested.