In a spirited election campaign, Telangana State IT Minister K Taraka Rama Rao (KTR) emphasized the dedication of the Congress and BJP leaders to the state of Telangana, raising questions about their commitment and priorities. On Sunday, KTR graced Shadnagar’s Chowrasta in Rangareddy district to show his support for Shadnagar MLA candidate Anjaiah Yadav.
KTR highlighted his close association with Anjaiah, revealing that he had come to Shadnagar a month ago, and his return was at the behest of MLA Anjaiah.
KTR urged the people to recognize their potential and make a resounding statement with their votes on November 30. He questioned the Congress’s commitment to Telangana, recalling the struggle for statehood and asking whether the Delhi elites truly supported the cause. He pointed out that Telangana had fought the Congress in the first phase of the movement and now faced Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the second phase.
Anjaiah Yadav was praised for his dedication, and KTR questioned the necessity of leaders from outside the state being brought in due to a perceived lack of capable leaders in the Congress and BJP parties. He enumerated several government initiatives, including providing insurance to 93 lakh families and students, distributing rice, offering financial support to young adults, and ensuring affordable gas cylinders for women.
KTR also highlighted the potential development in Shadnagar, promising an IT hub for the region. He expressed his admiration for Anjaiah Yadav and his commitment to the constituency.
In conclusion, KTR called on the people to cast their votes for the car symbol on November 30 and secure a significant victory for MLA Anjaiah. The rally served as a vibrant demonstration of political energy and commitment, setting the stage for a closely-watched election in Shadnagar.