The Telangana High Court has rejected the bail petition of YS Bhaskar Reddy in the murder case of former Andhra Pradesh minister YS Vivekananda Reddy. Another accused, Uday Kumar, also had his bail petition rejected. Bhaskar Reddy and Uday Kumar are currently in Chanchalguda Jail.
Bhaskar Reddy was arrested on April 16 by CBI officials who were investigating the YS Viveka murder case. He was taken into custody at his residence in Pulivendula. Uday Kumar had been arrested earlier by the police. Both of them were then transferred to Chanchalguda Jail as per the court’s orders.
Both Bhaskar Reddy and Uday Kumar had filed separate bail petitions, but they were rejected by the lower court. The accused then appealed the decision in the Telangana High Court. However, after hearing arguments from both sides, the High Court also rejected their bail petitions.