The Telangana High Court has decided not to transfer the TSPSC paper leak case to the CBI. The court is satisfied with the investigation being conducted by the SIT and has adjourned the case hearing to June 5. The NSUI Telangana president had filed a petition to transfer the case to the CBI, but the court declined to issue any orders. The court expressed its contentment with the progress of the investigation by the SIT and said it cannot intervene at this point.
During the hearing, the court asked when the SIT would complete its probe into the case. The Advocate General Prasad informed that they are waiting for the Central Forensic Laboratory report. Initially, the court felt that the investigation was progressing slowly, but it was satisfied with the explanations given by the advocate general and SIT ACP Narsinga Rao.
The court also asked some questions to the advocate general, including when the probe would be finished and if any outsourced staff of the commission was called for questioning so far.