The Telangana High Court has postponed the hearing on a petition filed by former Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao to Friday. He is seeking a stay on the proceedings of the Justice L. Narasimha Reddy Commission, which was formed by the Congress government to investigate power purchase agreements and the construction of thermal power plants.
A division bench of the High Court heard the petition filed by the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) chief. KCR’s counsel argued that the Commission was not following the law and had acted against Supreme Court orders by holding a press conference to announce details of the inquiry.
The Commission had asked KCR for information related to power purchase agreements and power plant construction. KCR requested more time to respond due to his election campaign activities. However, the Commission held a press conference before he could submit his reply, alleging irregularities.
KCR’s counsel informed the court that there was a power shortage when Telangana was formed, leading to the power purchase agreements. He also mentioned technical issues raised by the Commission regarding the construction of thermal power plants.
The BRS chief’s counsel argued that similar technology was used in other power plants across the country, and the National Green Tribunal approved the construction. They also questioned the impartiality of the Commission, alleging political motives behind its formation.
The hearing was adjourned to Friday, when the Advocate General and the electricity department’s counsel will present their arguments in response to KCR’s petition.