The Telangana High Court has refused to intervene in the suspension of the release of the political thriller film ‘Vyuham’ by filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma. The suspension was due to alleged irregularities in the granting of the Certification of Exhibition. The producer of the film, Dasari Kiran Kumar, challenged this decision in the High Court, claiming that the suspension has caused him significant financial loss.
However, the court suggested that the petitioner’s counsel present their arguments before the single judge during the next hearing on January 11. The film, which is said to defame former Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu, was originally scheduled to be released on December 29.
Nara Lokesh, the son of N Chandrababu Naidu and TDP national general secretary, also approached the High Court to challenge the censor certificate for the movie. On December 28, Justice Surepalli Nanda suspended the release of the film, stating that the Revising Committee did not provide reasons for granting the Certificate of Exhibition, despite initially rejecting the application due to irregularities. The court ordered the Central Board of Film Certification, Revising Committee, and movie producer to submit all relevant records for the next hearing.
The film reportedly revolves around the circumstances surrounding the death of former Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy and the political rise of his son Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, who is now the Chief Minister. Lokesh argued that the entire film contains defamatory remarks against Chandrababu Naidu, portraying him as the antagonist and Jagan Mohan Reddy as the protagonist.