Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao will announce a new scheme for Muslims and other minority communities. The government plans to provide Rs.1 lakh assistance to deserving families from minority communities. Finance Minister T Harish Rao made this announcement. The scheme is aimed at the development of minority communities and will be sponsored by the State. The government has allocated a budget of Rs 2,200 crore for the development of the community, which is the highest ever budget so far. The government is also providing English and Urdu medium education in minority residential schools. Residential schools and colleges have been established across the State to provide quality education. Several minority students have successfully pursued professional courses with government assistance and have become doctors and engineers. Salwa Fatima, who received assistance from the government, is now earning up to Rs 5 lakh a month as a pilot. Telangana is the only state where minority girls are studying well. The Chief Minister has also ensured that NEET Public Service Commission exams are conducted in Urdu. Additionally, a building is being constructed for the community in Ajmer Dargah with an allocation of Rs 5 crore. Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali was also present during the announcement.
Telangana Government to provide financial assistance to Muslims and other minorities in the near future
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